Hello, I’m Sara

Your Resource to Sovereign, Sustainable, Differentiated Living

My biggest passion is supporting like-minded individuals in creating a life that authentically represents their unique gifts, talents and inspirations. A life that creates space for wellness, joy and self-expression. A life so satisfying you don’t need a vacation from it.

It’s time to come back… Back to nature. Back into our bodies. Back to joy. We can each distill our truths, own our essence and differentiate into living lives that are authentically ours — regenerative, and abundant for each of us as individuals, our communities, and Mother Earth. It’s time to walk ourselves back home, and I’d be honored to walk that path with you.

More About Sara

- The Essentials -


It all starts with observation, sampling, and discovering. Explore new concepts, theories and options. Admire the diversity and beauty around you; what catches your interest? Where are you called to explore?

The seeds.


Learn more about the who, what, where, why and how in your areas of interest.
What foundational information is needed for further understanding? How have others done it?
What are the limitations?

Prepping the bed.


What mindset, skillset and toolset is needed for you to take the first steps in your own way?
Let’s supply you with the support you need to respond as yourself, claim your authority and trusting your process.

Feed and Water.


Time to play!
There is no right or wrong way to do this! What do you want to try? What have you found that works? What doesn’t? Where are your edges? What no longer serves? Try it on and find out!

Sprout and Grow.


The state where experimentation turns into personalized lifestyle. This is the harvest season, minimal inputs are needed for maintenance and abundance. This often leads to new explorations and the cycle starts again.

Bloom and Fruit.

of My Work

  • Human Design is the personalized manual, an energetic schematic, illustrating how each individual is designed to move and relate in the world. This complex system gives detailed insights into strengths, non-self conditioning, ways of processing information and emotions, personal motivation and assists as a language and experiment in finding each individual's personal authority.

    A compilation of overlain systems, Humand Design is constructed of ancient and new (astrology, chakras, Kabala, I'Ching), plus science and energetics (astronomy, quantum physics). This has been the key to unlocking exactly how to support mind, body, spirit and ideal environments for truly individualized wellness and aligned living. A tool for truly differentiating into ourselves, and a way back home to ourselves, our truth, and our innate inner authority.

    Currently offering Human Design Distillations, Blended Dynamic Sessions, and Alchemy Sessions for focused support in these areas.

  • Utilizing Human Design and counseling/mediation skills, Blending Dynamics offers support for relating and supporting our closest relationships. Whether dear friends, business partners, romantic partners, parents and their children, or whole families, it is critically important that we each know and respect our inherent designs, so we can show up authentically in support for those we dearly care about.

    Go beyond love languages.

    Go beyond accomodation.

    Go beyond reaction, let's learn how to consciously respond and relate to one another.

    Nobody deserves relationships that require walking on eggshells, or being less than who we fundamentally are. We can own our differences, while respecting and honoring our loved ones for theirs, creating an atmosphere of love, trust and honor.

    Currently offering Blended Dynamic Sessions for partners and families for focused support in this area.

  • Signs of Health:
    ample energy, warm hands and feet, strong pulse, deep restful sleep, strong libido, strong hair and nails, glowing skin, strong immune system, emotional regulation, digestive regularity...

    Health and wellness is a wholistic overlay of concepts, systems and outcomes that must be unique to each and every individual.
    Utilizing the Human Design variables of Determination and Environment, physiological understanding of cellular health and metabolism, and the five Constituents of Wellness (Nourishment, Movement, Sleep + Restoration, Detox + Release, and Informed Self-Care) each individual can find their specific way to a radiant life.

    Focus would start with real, living and ancestrally prepared food. Movement of the body in physiological alignment, releasing trigger points and fascia with massage in gentle, focused ways, and a blend of building strength and flexibility can transform your body more than any intense or haphazard workout regime. Fluidity of concepts, ideas and emotions are pivotal methods of your own personal medicine. Your body holds it all.

    Learning how to properly fuel and communicate with our bodies, translate symptoms and listen instead of dismissing are key areas of focus for developing a healthy relationship with your unique physiology. It's a foundation that creates space for a long, resilient and sovereign life.

    Bio-Energetic Consultations coming soon.
    Please refer to Alchemy Session current offerings to utilize these wellness concepts in customized, more blended support.

  • Emotion = Energy in Motion

    In a culture where emotions are often seen as useless, extra baggage that gets in the way of productivity, my focus is quite the opposite. Emotions are our super power in interpreting where our outer and inner environments meet. Emotions are the thermostat and messenger of feedback between your body, spirit and lifestyle.

    Don't shoot the messenger.

    Learn to speak the language.

    There are no good or bad emotions, there are only judgements, repression and rejection of emotions that are at the root of dis-ease and distress. Let's learn to listen to this inherent feedback, decipher what these messengers are trying to relay, and learn to respond instead of react through emotional fluency and regulation, and allow these energies to flow through our bodies instead of getting stuck and stagnant.

    Please refer to Alchemy Session current offerings to utilize these wellness concepts in customized, more blended support.

  • Whether living in an apartment, or on a 100-acre farm, everybody can take steps to creating food security, reducing their ecological footprint, and gaining the knowledge of health and wellness through natural means that work with our environment, not against it.

    Whether starting with a simple garden bed, building a productive homestead, larger scale agriculture, developing business practices and procedures, or running the domestic side of a home with DIY product making, cooking, non-toxic cleaning; everyone can contribute in one way or another, and we'd all be better off for it.

    Living within nature and building self-reliance is a win for everyone; the individual, our families and communities, resilient business, the collective and Mother Earth. Themes found within Permaculture are not only inherent to Mother Nature, but can be utilized as examples of sustainability and resilience for literally all aspects of life. For example: this is exactly what my whole website and services are themed around. ;)

    Please refer to Garden Consults and Garden Coaching offerings for focused support in these areas.

  • Certified Pure, Therapeutic Grade essential oils combine the concentrated benefits of plant-medicine with the most advanced scientific testing for purity, potency and reliability in results. These oils are not only harvested sustainably (often with a negative ecological footprint!) but are beyond fair-trade in the impact and blessings provided to the harvesters, farmers, and distillers who produce them.

    Small in molecular size and lipid-friendly, essential oils can easily penetrate the skin and bi-lipid layers of cell membranes. They directly effect the olfactory system (sense of smell) and limbic system of the brain (processing memory, trauma and emotions).

    Essential oils and plant medicines have been used for millennia in cultures all around the world, and are significantly more simple to use than traditional herbalism remedies. When used correctly, and in proper dosage, dilution and application, they provide safe, effective, simple and affordable options in supporting full-spectrum wellness - mind, body, spirit and home.

    Please refer to Essential Oil Consults offerings for focused support in this areas. Also consider Alchemy Session current offerings to utilize these wellness concepts in customized, more blended support.

  • Our homes are our sanctuaries, and as such our households should be empowered to be as versatile and multifaceted as we are, offering security, comfort, enjoyment and leisure.

    Interesting in truly individualized education for your children?
    Let’s talk about homeschooling/unschooling options and differentiating their lessons to their unique way of learning.

    Interested in self-employment and working from home?
    Let’s discuss ways you are designed to work and how to create a space that supports your differentiation.

    Interested in self-reliance?
    Let’s discuss how even the littlest changes can make a big difference for your family, household, community and environment.

    It doesn't make sense to have the whole family up and leave their separate ways each morning. Let’s bring life home and make it yours again. Let's create a lifestyle you don't need to leave and take a vacation from.

    Please refer to Alchemy Session current offerings to utilize these concepts in customized, more blended support.

  • Alchemy:
    a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination; attempts to convert lead into gold, or to find a universal elixir.

    In my mind, there is no valid reason for families to spend most of their days apart from one another, for miscommunication to become wedges between loved ones, for anyone to feel as if they cannot honestly and authentically express their views or needs, or for one to feel forced to live any one specific way because its “normal” or “just what we do.”

    By utilizing Human Design as our roadmap, ancestral and physiology based health concepts to fine-tune our energy, stamina and shine; understanding and listening to what our emotions are trying to communicate, releasing what no longer serves, using plants and essential oils as our natural toolbox, and building self-reliance to ensure no one can ever take it away from us - I am dedicated to blending together solutions that are unique as you. I want to help turn what is currently weighing you down, into glimmers and gold.

    Distill your truths, own your essence and differentiate into authentic lives that are truly your own. I want to help walk you back home.

    Please refer to Alchemy Session current offerings to utilize these wellness concepts in customized, more blended support.

- Work With Me -

It’s often overwhelming to know just where/how to start making changes. Firstly, know that there is no right or wrong way! But it seems most productive and impactful by starting with what is catching your interest most.
Health, wellness and healing are not isolated events. When one area shifts (even subtly!) the ripple carries into the rest, building and amplifying as it goes. Start inspired. Start simply. There is no race or time limit, just one small step after another.

What areas do you find yourself
thinking about most?

Are there physical health issues
you’d like to support?

Would you like to live a more natural
lifestyle that’s more affordable and simple?

Interested in food quality and security?

Are you looking to develop trust in
yourself and your own inner authority?

Is your mental health and mindset
holding you hostage?

How can I best support?