
The Woman:

Hi, I’m Sara

I’m a 6/2 Manifesting Generator, primarily receptive in variables, and individual in circuitry. For fellow Human Designers, feel free to check out more details of my design here.

I’m a mother, a wife, and an aspiring homesteader living in the Aptos/Santa Cruz redwoods of California. I wish to grow my own food. I homeschool(ed) my children. I work as a substitute teacher for flexibility and variety, but have always been drawn to the life of an entrepreneur. The main themes: empowerment and freedom.

With my introduction to Human Design, I feel like I ignited. Finally all the bits and pieces, the seemingly un-connected interests, passions and talents began weaving together to find something I had always been looking for — that empowerment and freedom. My purpose was never to ‘niche’ down… my purpose is to connect the dots, add the layers, tease apart the nuance and hold space for the often messy, but beautiful aspects of being human.

This first had to be for myself, and is a lifelong endeavor and commitment I’ve vowed to maintain. Now, to share that empowerment and freedom with those ready for deep connection, reflection and transition back to authenticity and truth. Their authenticity and truth,

I look forward to sharing my ongoing experience, resources and knowledge — developing deep connections and community, and building sustainability, resilience and sovereignty along the way.

The Expertise:

MA Counseling Psychology
The Wright Institute, Berkeley, CA, USA (2010)

BA Behavioral Science & Psychology
San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, USA (2007)

Crisis Support Services of Alameda Co., Oakland, CA, USA
Suicide and Crisis Hotline Worker (2008-2009)

Seneca Center, San Leandro, CA, USA
Practicum Trainee, Residential Program Counselor (2009-2010)

Wellness Advocate + Certified Essential Oil Specialist (2014 to present)
doTERRA International, USA

18yrs various experience in education:
-Gavilan Tutoring Center, Gilroy, CA USA - Tutoring Specialist
-Oakland Unified School District, Oakland, CA USA - Substitute Teacher
-Pajaro Valley Unified School District, Watsonville, CA USA - Substitute and Extended Learning Teacher (Academic + Psycho-Emotional Intervention, Organic Gardening Enrichment)

20+yrs Parenting + Natural Fertility/Conception/Birth/Post-Partum - Self Study

15+yrs Gardening + Homesteading

8+yrs Homeschooling - Ocean Grove Charter School

4+yrs Human Design - Self Study

2+yrs Ancestral/Pro-Metabolic/Bio-Energetic Wellness - Self Study

The Mission:

My in-depth knowledge and creative leadership supports crafting your unique life to joy and wellness.

My biggest passion is supporting other like-minded individuals in creating a life that authentically represents their unique gifts, talents and inspirations. A life that cultivates space for joy, restoration and leisure. One that knows well and confidently hones an specifically unique labor of love.

Our culture is heavily focused on the hustle, the grind, production, profit and quick-fixes - all often at the expense of the environment, our physical bodies, our mental/emotional wellness, and the depth of our connections to others. This is not only unsustainable, but often a lack-luster existence as we are each left chasing what we’re told to, while our natural talents and inspirations get buried and ignored.

I said, “enough.”

I hope you will too.

Enough building empires for others. Enough slaving away our hours for minimal compensation. Enough paying too much for food that isn’t food. Enough putting what truly lights us up on the back burner while we distract ourselves with screens, substances, shallow relationships and false ideas of “success.” Enough thinking that we’re broken when in reality we simply aren’t created to be identical, all doing the same work, in the same way, with the same end goals.

It’s time to walk ourselves back to tradition. Back to nature. Back into our bodies. Back to ourselves.

We can each distill our truth, own our essence and differentiate into living lives that are authentically ours - filled with satisfaction, success, and joy that we each define for ourselves. A life one doesn’t need a vacation from. I want to walk you home.

The Website:

The theme of this website is to highlight the observable patterns and similarities between Nature, her resources and systems, and our own humaness. As you learn about regenerative business practices, you’re exposed to the same themes as regenerative agriculture, forest gardening, nature’s cycles and regeneration. As you learn about Human Design and discover the medicine you bring to the world, you’ll be familiarized with key concepts, properties and themes around essential oil crafting, application and therapeutic constituents. The seasons reflect our own circle of life and change. The moon phases; our feminine cycles. The honoring of our emotions and intuitions similar to nature’s elements of earth, wind, air and fire. The structure of our solar system, to that of an atom. The patterns are endless. It’s all connected. We’re all connected. As above, so below. As within, so without. Once you see it, there’s no unseeing it. Once you embrace and embody it, well, that’s when we can sustainably obtain a life of abundance. Designed to be like

The Brand:

Essentially doSARA LLC (est. 2018) started as a doTERRA based independent contractor business entity a few years after SARA discovered the powerful and effective properties of certified pure, therapeutic grade essential oils. She was originally in search of quality ingredients for her previous company crafting food-grade bath and body products, but soon realized the power potential these properly distilled extracts had across many aspects of health and wellness. Originally falling in love with the empowerment they brought within her own home, she was inspired with the potential that high quality essential oils provided for women, mothers and families everywhere. She started sharing. SARA spent years learning applications and protocols, discovering informational resources, scientific studies, teaching doTERRA essential oil classes, providing consults, leading workshops, crafting products, and building a team of like-minded others. She worked her way to the business level of Gold (although solidly only to Silver) and had years of residual, supplemental income for her and her family. It was inspiring and fun… until it wasn’t.

The “building” side of the business led to burn-out. Although many factors contributed to this lifestyle ‘changing of the seasons’, she just couldn’t continue playing this game. Coming face-to-face with the barriers of numbers, goals, endless ‘trainings’ and continually changing ‘building systems’, Essentially doSARA needed to rest.

This “rest” lasted several years, continuing through the COVID shutdowns of 2020-21. The residual income was very appreciated through this time, truly highlighting the benefit of the doTERRA business model, and solidifying that it wasn’t the system that caused the burnout, but the way it was being used. Only now, in 2024, is there the urge to plant seeds for something new.

During this downtime, Human Design found SARA, and what a turnaround it was! Finally, a system, a language, an external schematic to experiment with in teasing apart who she had fundamentally been designed to be from birth, and where aspects of ‘non-self’ had penetrated and distracted instead. SARA discovered that she was a 6/2 Manifesting Generator… she was currently “on the roof” with her 6 line personality… add that to her 2 line hermit body - no wonder she needed the “rest.” SARA often felt previously limited and constrained by conventional business advice saying to “find your niche” and “simplify your message” to apply to the masses. She’s a Manifesting Generator… not here to find one way, but ALL the ways! To experiment with how those ways connect, to make sense of them, and the most efficient way to apply them,. SARA is primarily Individual in her circuitry as well. She was never designed to “appeal to the masses.” She is an individual through and through, and thrives when supporting others in differentiating in deep, one-on-one and small group interactions.

The COVID shutdowns provided another opportunity, and that was to dive headfirst into research on how to finally establish a functional and sustainable homestead. Always interested in self-reliance, sustainability and food security, the downtime gifted by COVID allowed ample study on not only how to garden and grow food, but to learn how to do so with principles of permaculture, food-forests, and regenerative agriculture. Not only was SARA ‘getting back to nature’ in her choices of lifestyle and medicine, but quite literally getting back IN to nature. Recognizing that living with nature, within nature, as the part of nature that we inherently are, is the only sustainable way to security and resilience. How symbolic for every other aspect of life! 

Essentially doSARA is no longer solely about essential oils, it is about the gifts SARA can pay forward, her medicine that she can share with the small tribe of like-minded individuals that find her and decide to work with her. Combining graduate studies in counseling psychology, years of experience in teaching/tutoring at the primary, secondary and collegiate levels, self study and application on mind, body, spirit and environmental integration, Human Design, biology and physiology based nutrition and movement, regenerative agriculture and homesteading, SARA aims to be a liaison, a doula of sorts, to help individuals transition to a life of wellness and authenticity through sustainably working within nature, and building their capacity for self reliance. “Distill your Truth. Own your Essence. Differentiate.” SARA wants to be known as the one who helped walk people “home”.