About My Human Design

  • Give Peace Of / Piece Of My Mind.

    Two of my four defined Human Design channels are projected, requiring recognition and invitation. When clients come to me it initiates the possibility for inspiration to flow through my mental awareness, and to share my gift for attention to detail and identifying, understanding and translating patterns (17-62). I also project my creativity outward as examples to empower others to live a unique and inspired life (8-1). Together, these channels enable me to support creating creative solutions to wellness and joy while identifying what is no longer serving, then sharing details to confidently take action.

    Additionally, my Incarnation Cross is LAX Call of the Clarion, here to bring shock to those who are ready and waiting to be ‘shocked’ into change and action.

  • The Keeper of Keys.

    My generated channel and therefore my Sacral Authority is the channel of The Beat (14-2), bringing innovation, empowerment and direction in response to the people and places around me. I connect others to their own creative direction by remaining open and responding in the moment, introducing new concepts and perspectives to push mutation, evolution and growth.

  • Intuitive Health, Beauty, Survival.

    My Channel of Perfected Form (57-10) allows my instincts to help determine the correct behavior for me in the moment., leading by example for others to live and survive in the moment too. My attention to acoustics and tone help build an awareness that is outside of thoughts and emotion, rather an intuitive wisdom that creates health, beauty and ensures survival of the individual and authentic lving.

  • Create & Nourish Welcoming Space.

    Although a Manifesting Generator, I am fundamentally a Generator here to respond to life in ways that are enjoyable, passionate and inspiring. Like a mobile battery, I charge others up just by being near them. I create warmth and acceptance every where I go, welcoming and celebrating diversity and individuality while holding safe space for others to be their natural selves.

  • Always 5 Steps Ahead & Multi-perspective.

    I am a quantum Manifesting Generator (conscious Generator mind, unconscious Reflector body). I am also 3/4 Receptive in my Variables with Feeling Cognition. As I move through life, each day different and greatly effected by circumstance, I generate within my multiple passions as they feel correct. I move quickly, multi-tasking as I go, weaving together in-depth details and my passions, ready to share my unique viewpoints for those ready to expand theirs. I feel my way into understanding, often not needing words or specific explanation, but receptively and continually absorbing information to integrate and apply.

  • A Receptive Ocean.

    I am not a one-size-fits all, strategic individual with a 5 - or 10-year plan. In fact, over structured and premade plans are often suffocating and zap me of my energy and joy. Its taken me many years to realize this about me, and I unconsciously resisted surrendering to these gifts for many years. When our western culture and globalized world prioritizes productivity, profits and over-scheduled lifestyles, its hard not to succumb to the rat race. But that is not how I’m design to operate. I’m designed to respond in the moment, to feel out my surroundings, to read the room, connect at a deep and emotional level. I am an ocean of depth, of deep wisdom, a vault, ready to share for anyone ready to take a swim.