Human Design Distillations

Human Design creates a personalized manual, an energetic schematic, illustrating how each individual is designed to move and relate in the world. This complex system gives detailed insights into defined strengths, non-self conditioning, ways of processing information, emotions and surroundings, insights into personal motivation and assists as a language and experiment in finding each individual's personal authority and decision making.

A compilation of overlain systems, Human Design is constructed of ancient systems (Western Zodiac, Chakras, paths of the Kabbalah, and the I'Ching), plus science and energetics (astronomy, quantum physics and neutrinos). This has been a valuable key to unlocking exactly how to support mind, body, spirit and ideal environments for truly individualized wellness and aligned living. A tool for truly differentiating into ourselves, and a way back home to ourselves, our truth, and our innate inner authority.

(Free resources linked at bottom)

Human Design Distillations

A 60-minute, one-on-one, live session reviewing and “distilling” your Human Design bodygraph/chart.

Includes your full bodygraph/chart printout from Jovian Archive for ‘source’ based details and recorded 60-minute live session breaking down the basics of your Human Design chart. Includes client-led custom guidance for beginning your experiment and “playing” your way to differentiation, with interactive Q+A, plus personalized sharing to relate to real-life application.
Recommended for first-timers as an education- and information-based introduction, or for those looking to dive deeper into variable, specific channels and circuitry.

Topics of Focus:

Basics: Type, Authority, Profile, Definition, Centers,
Advanced: Circuitry, Channels, Incarnation Cross, Variable

$75 investment

Blended Dynamics

2-person Distillation
+ Connection

A 90-minute, live session reviewing and “distilling” each Human Design bodygraph and how it connects with another’s.

Includes each individual’s full bodygraph printout from Jovian Archive for ‘source’ based information; a Connection Chart for the pair with an overview of dynamics and types of channel connections; plus the recorded 90-minute live session breaking down the basics of each Human Design chart and Connections to each other.

Designed to support understanding and honoring of similarities, differences and personalized differentiation and recommended as an education- and information-based introduction to Connection Dynamics.


Human Design Distillation Report for each;
Connection Chart;
Review of:
Companionship Channels, Compromise Channels, Dominance Channels, Electromagnetic Channels, and Connection Theme

$150 investment

A 90- to 120-minute*, live session reviewing and “distilling” each Human Design bodygraph/chart, how it connects with each in the group, plus group Penta analysis.
Includes each individual’s full bodygraph printout from Jovian Archive for ‘source’ based information; a Connection Chart for each pair with an overview of dynamics and types of channel connections; a Penta Report for the group; plus the recorded 90- to 120-minute live session breaking down the main energies and themes relative to the group as a whole.
Designed to support understanding and honoring of similarities, differences and personalized differentiation and recommended as an education- and information-based introduction to Connection and Penta Dynamics.

3-5 person Distillation,
Connections + Penta


Human Design Distillation Report for each;
Connection Charts for each pair;
Review of:
Connection Themes for each pair
Plus Penta Analysis - themes and roles of each

$250-500* investment

*Dependent on number of participants.

Alchemy Sessions

a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination; attempts to convert lead into gold, or to find a universal elixir.

A 60 or 90-minute*, live session focused on integration of client-led themes into real life application. Often compared to talk-therapy, coaching, tutoring or mentorship. Sessions hold the goal of blending together Human Design, wellness habits, communication skills and self expression; turning the heavy and mundane into glimmers, light and gold.
This can be one-on-one, for couples, or small groups.

$75 - Individual (60min)
$150 - Couples (90min)
$225+ - Groups/Families*

*Dependent on number of participants.

Free Source Material

I’m an advocate for starting for free, and learning Human Design from “source” material. By this I mean that there are many secondary sources (myself included), that have experienced the amazing effects of Human Design and have decided to share for others to also benefit. With this, however, it’s hard to know where one’s perspective ends and influences, possibly even distorts, the potency of this system. This can also be quite an investment while most of this information is (and should be) available for free — at least the basics, for the self-learner.

I encourage you, even before a scheduled session with me, consider a little homework ahead of time and begin this Human Design journey with the basics through Jovian Archive, the original School of Human Design. There are of course many more layers than mentioned here, but these links should get you started with the basics and allow our time together to go deeper and more customized.